Saturday, January 17, 2015

Boots volume limits of iOS8 on iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad

Since 2009, the European standards require manufacturing the devices of mp3 / mp4 to curb the loudness of their devices. Apple is no exception to the rule and that's why the power of our iPhone, iPod touch and iPad is not maximized for audio playback.

Once again, the jailbreaking iOS 8 brings a solution! a very simple manipulation'll allow us to lift this restriction.

1.Use iFile (Cydia Free) or any other program that allows you to explore the tree of your iDevice. 

2.Then go to the directory /System/Lybrary/Frameworks/MediaToolBox.framework/Default Edit 

3.The RegionalVolumeLimits.plist file as follows:

 Then make a respring your device ,
Attention prolonged listening to full-power music can damage your hearing.

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